Exclusively Cats Veterinary Hospital

6650 Highland Road, Suite 116
Waterford, MI 48327



Veterinary Teaching Videos


Diaphragmatic Eventration

Survey Radiographs, contrast radiography (Celiogram and Negative Contrast Gastrography), and surgical exploration of the abdomen.


Esophagostomy Feeding tube videos:

Surgical placement of an esophagostomy feeding tube (e-tube) in a cat.  

Suturing an esophagostomy feeding tube (e-tube) in place. 

An alternative means to replace a tube which avoids causing surgical trauma by creating a new ostomy site. 

How to remove an esophagostomy feeding tube (e-tube) from a cat when it is no longer needed. 

Cats who have an e-tube placed can eat with the tube in place.  This is a cat who had not been eating and was presented by a veterinarian for assistance in placing an esophageal feeding tube. This patient had just awoke from anesthesia and was readily eating some canned food (likely stimulated by the inhaled isoflurane anesthesia.


Nasopharyngeal abnormalities

Tonya presented at 2y of age with a long history of inspiratory difficulty.  Examination confirmed a nasopharyngeal polyp which was removed at that time.  She developed a transient Horner's syndrome (OP) which resolved, as did her difficult breathing. 

Sebastian presented as a 13y old cat with a history of chronic inspiratory difficulty.  Examination revealed a nasopharyngeal stenosis that was manually dilated. The nasopharynx was was exam and dilated to lessor degrees twice more.  Improvement was marked, and sustained. Mucus accumulation resolved. 

Neko was presented at 14y for an unrelated problem. Coincidentally, he had a history of like long inspiratory dyspnea. His nasopharyngeal stenosis was relived during his first, outpatient, visit.


Portosystemic Shunt

Cellophane banding of a cat's congenital portosystemic shunt (cPSS) of the L gastric vein